Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Site Use and Content
您可以查看、复制或打印本网站的页面,仅供个人使用,非商业用途. You may not otherwise use, modify, copy, print, display, reproduce, 未经crater明确书面许可,不得散布或发布本网站的任何信息 & Freighters Franchise Company. At any time Craters & Freighters Franchise Company may, without notice, 对本网站或对本网站所描述的服务或产品进行更改. This site is copyrighted by Craters & Freighters Franchise Company.
By submitting your account information, including address, telephone number, fax number, and email address, you consent to receive business communications from us via all methods.
Links to Other Sites
本网站可能包含指向由第三方维护或控制的网站的超链接. Craters & 货运公司不负责也不认可本网站的内容, use of, or any of the products or services offered in these third-party sites. Further, Craters & Freighters特许经营公司对任何商标均无权利要求或所有权权益, trade names, or service marks owned and protected by third parties.
Trademark information
The Craters & Freighters name, service, 本网站所标识的服务标志均为crater的注册商标或服务标志 & Freighters Franchise Company. 本网站引用的所有其他产品或服务均为其各自所有者的商标或服务标志.
As the user of this website, 您承担使用本服务器和互联网的所有责任和风险. Craters & Freighters Franchise Company and Craters & Freighters Franchise Owners disclaim all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, 从或通过本服务器或互联网访问的信息. In no event shall Craters & Freighters Franchise Company be liable for any special, indirect, 或相应的损害赔偿或因失去使用而造成的任何损害赔偿, loss of data, 或因使用或执行本服务器或互联网上的信息而产生的或与之相关的利润损失. Craters & Freighters is not responsible for any damages incurred, consequential or otherwise, due to technical inaccuracies or typographical errors on this server. Craters & Freighters有权更改和更新本服务器中包含的任何信息而不另行通知,并有权在不事先通知的情况下停止本服务器的服务.
Craters & Freighters不保证本服务器或互联网上的信息通常是不间断的或无错误的,也不保证任何信息, 可从本服务器访问的软件或其他材料不含病毒或其他有害组件.
货物将在码头或通过一楼的一扇门提取. Craters & Freighters may use a box truck equipped with a lift-gate. The estimate is based on a one-person pickup. 如果托运人无法协助司机处理超重或超大的物品, we may supply a second person. Please contact us if you require additional personnel. Additional charges may apply. 由于取货地点有楼梯或其他障碍物,可能会收取额外费用.
The consignee may be contacted, by phone, to set up a delivery day. 快递通常在周一至周五的上午送达,有四个小时的窗口期. To keep shipping costs to a minimum, 送货是基于一个人送货到一楼的门或到卡车的尾部,当货物是超大/重量. 重量超过100磅或超重的物品将被视为交付到卡车的后挡板. 收货人将负责卸货,并应在交货现场得到适当的帮助. When the consignee cannot unload, 您必须立即与我们联系,以便在运输或交付之前作出其他安排. We can usually provide any level of service that you require, including a second person, uncrating, inside delivery, lift-gate, and other services. 请注意,这些服务将需要收取报价金额以上的额外费用. A 28- to 54-foot truck routinely delivers shipments. 如果收货人居住在禁止大型卡车运输的地区, contact us immediately. Additional charges may apply.
如果您希望从我们的系统中删除您的个人身份信息,请通过以下方式与我们联系 [email protected].
You should declare the full value of each piece to be shipped. 全额价值可以定义为你为这件作品支付的金额,如果你最近有一个评估,可以定义为当前的市场价值. In the event of a claim, 您的付款将基于您所申报的金额或价值的百分比. We can only insure items that have been packed by Craters & Freighters. 预先包装的货物只能投保盗窃或整个包裹的损失. For complete details on our insurance coverage please read all the Terms & Conditions on the front and back of our house bill. 您将被要求接受这些条款和条件之前与全球赌博十大网站运输 & Freighters.
Crate Only
包装或板条箱的价格只包括在我们的常规服务区域的提货和板条箱. Call your local Craters & Freighters to determine if you are within the service area. The shipper is responsible for arranging transportation from Craters & Freighters. Craters & 货轮将根据您的规格建造板条箱,或在目视检查您的产品后设计定制木材或双壁瓦楞板条箱. Our highly-specialized services include custom crating, load, block and brace of containers, ISPM 15, export VCI and VB crating, and much more.
Transportation Only
Transportation or freight forwarding is not a blanket wrap service. All items transported through Craters & Freighters must be properly boxed or crated for transport. 托运人负责装货,收货人负责卸货. 运输或货运代理不包括客户包装货物或预包装货物的保险. Other services are available; please call your local Craters & Freighters to discuss options and costs.
Transit Time
完成包装和板条箱的平均时间是取货后三个工作日. 实际运输或运输时间将根据运输的长度从3到10个工作日不等,不包括取货和包装/板条箱的时间. 住宅交付通常会增加额外的运输时间,因为收件人或收货人将被联系以安排交付日期. The stated times are estimates and will vary by location and workload. Please discuss specific transit and delivery time with you Craters & Freighters associate.
所有费用都是不可退还的,必须在货物装运前全额支付. When a shipment is refused by the consignee, 退货运费及其他相关费用概不由本公司负责 & Freighters. Return charges must be paid in advance. Quoted and actual prices may vary after verification of size, weight and value, or when additional special services requested. Please do not hesitate to contact your local Craters & 有任何问题或疑虑请致电1-800-736-3335.
Each Craters & Freighters location is individually (franchisee) owned and operated. Services, pricing, scheduling, and payment options vary by location. All questions, comments, quotes, tracking inquiries, and claims should be directed to the origin Craters & Freighters location.
All Craters & 在本网站找到的货主信息以及通过本网站获得的其他信息均属保密信息, copyrighted property of Craters & Freighters. Without limitation, 您无权在任何其他网站上提供上述信息或以其他方式复制, distribute, copy, store, 未经crater明确书面同意,不得使用或出售该信息以获取商业利益 & Freighters. 任何与这些条款不一致的访问或使用都是未经授权的,是严格禁止的. Each Craters & Freighters is independently owned and operated. All questions, comments, quotes, tracking inquiries, and claims should be directed to the origin Craters & Freighters location.